Become A Member Today!

Sign Up at the Online Store
Mission: To provide art education & development of the visual arts for all ages in Stockton and San Joaquin county.
It takes both our Patrons and Exhibiting members to thrive as an arts organization and local gallery. At the Stockton Art League, we see individuals filling both roles. It is through the membership support and volunteers that we can provide numerous art activities year after year.
Benefits for all Members
- 10% OFF sales and workshops at the Gallery
- Monthly Newsletter (Collagraph)
- 12 Featured Artist Shows & 6 Members Shows with Meet and Greet Reception
- Yearly Organization Meetings
- Discounted Programs and FREE Art Demos
Exhibiting Members
Members are encourage to participate in our (6) bi-monthly members’ shows. To show in the gallery, artists must be current members, except during Juried and Invitational shows.
Members may show up to, in any combination per artist:
- (4) Wall hanging artworks ($5/entry)
- (10) 3-Dimensional works, ($14)
- (15) Matted Artwork, ($14)
- Jewelry and Textiles, ($14)
All artwork must be for sale and the artist’s original artwork. Artwork on display is at the discretion of the Gallery Director. The Gallery receives 30% commission on any sales. Participation in the shows requires that you help staff the gallery 3.5 hours per month. Check the monthly newsletter for the next change out of artwork. The gallery will provide registration forms for received artwork and information. Members may also request to be Artist of the Month.
Contact the Gallery Director for additional information.